"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3: 5 & 6
To trust in another is difficult for us humans. We tend to follow our own path. We feel secure with our own reasoning.
Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, advises us to trust in the LORD. The LORD, when written in the Bible in upper-case letters, is the self-Existent, Eternal God, Jehovah. He depends on no-one else; His creatures (that's us) depend on Him for every breath we take.
And so, in the light of who God is, Solomon's counsel in today's verse makes good sense.
But there's more: we are advised to trust in God with all our hearts. The heart is the seat of our emotions. The mind is the seat of our intellect and reasoning. Notice how the verse indicates to trust with both the heart and the mind: it goes on to say, "do not lean on your own understanding."
To acknowledge God is to admit that He is the Supreme Being in the Universe; it means to include Him in our plans; to give Him the leadership of our lives.
And when we acknowledge Him in all our ways - in one hundred percent of our activities - He becomes the Director of our paths. The director of a company is the top person, the operations leader.
Today, as you include God in all of your plans, take note of how He leads and blesses you on the road of life.