Pilate said to them, “What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” They all said to him, “Let Him be crucified!” Matthew 27:22
It was early on Friday morning, and Jesus stood before the judgment seat of Pilate, the Roman Governor. Pilate asked Him several questions, but Jesus remained silent.
Pilate had the opportunity to release Jesus then and there. He had even, that morning, received a message from his wife saying, “Have nothing to do with that just Man.” She had dreamed, and in her dream been shown that Jesus was innocent.
Pilate was a fickle ruler – he was swayed by the people, and eventually he gave in to the mob and sent Jesus to His death.
We have just come through the Easter weekend. In my mind I contemplate that Friday morning long ago, when the Creator of the universe stood on trial before an earthly monarch.
The question comes to you and to me: “What then shall I do with Jesus?” Will we turn Him away? Or will we gladly invite Him into our lives each new day? – to lead and guide us on the journey.
“Once to every man and nation
Comes the moment to decide
In the strife of truth with falsehood
For the good or evil side.” (Anonymous)