"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies …" Psalm 23:5a
This is the time of rejoicing, after the valley experience. This is when the psalmist walks out of the valley, and into the Light and Sunshine! He starts climbing out of the valley, to the heights of the mountain. It is then that he notices the table!
But it's not just a bare table. This is the banquet scene - the Good Shepherd has prepared a loaded table, to which He invites David. Can you picture it? The tablecloth, the silverware, the plates and dishes, the glasses, the bowls full of delicious food.
The banquet is prepared, and God is the Host - He's the One who does the serving!
This reminds us of another table, later in time, in an upper room in Jerusalem, where Jesus did the serving. First he washed the disciple's feet, even those of Judas, thus teaching His disciples lessons of humility, service, and heaven's gracious love. Then He served the meal.
It's one thing to sit at a table full of good food - but it's quite another to dine in the midst of one's enemies! It's as if God shows the enemy what He's doing for His sheep!
And one day, when our journey on earth is over, we will be ushered in to a banquet hall in heaven, where Jesus again will serve His redeemed people. He said, in the upper room, "But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom." (Matthew 26:29)
Are you making plans today to be at that table?
1 comment:
The Imaging faculty is the creative faculty: "Out of the imaginations of the heart come the issues of life."
We have all a bank we can draw upon, the Bank of the Imagination.
Let us imagine ourselves rich, well and happy: imagine all our affairs in divine order; but leave the way of fulfillment to Infinite Intelligence.
"He has weapons ye know not of," He has channels which will surprise you.
One of the most important passages in the 23rd Psalm is—"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies."
This means that even in the presence of the enemy situation, brought on by your doubts, fears or resentments, a way out is prepared for you.
The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall never want.
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