"Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you and you shall glorify Me." Psalm 50:15
Call upon Me - The Psalmist tells us 'my help comes from the L
ORD, who made heaven and earth.' (Psalm 121:2) Our help is from the Creator of the Universe. When there's no one else to whom we can turn, He is there for us.In the day of trouble - We live life one day at a time. Jesus tells us each day has enough trouble of its own. The Hebrew word 'trouble' in today's verse is translated 'a tight place.' If any of you have been caving, you will know there is usually at least one place in the cave that is a tight place - a difficult place to get through. It may be a tunnel, or a chimney, or a difficult spiral in the pathway. If you have a guide, someone who's familiar with the path, they will be able to advise you how to position your body, and where to place your feet, to successfully negotiate the tricky obstacle. The above illustration gives us a better understanding of the word 'trouble'. The word is further translated to mean adversity, affliction, anguish, distress, tribulation. Life is full of these troubles. Jesus, speaking to His disciples, says: In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)
I will deliver you - The word 'deliver' appears more than 260 times in the Old Testament, with various meanings, but in only 5 places, including its appearance in today's verse, is it translated from the Hebrew to mean: equip for a fight, strengthen, draw out. This portion of the verse now takes on a new meaning. God is speaking: I will equip you for the fight, I will strengthen you to fight, and if the fighting gets too tough for you, I will draw you out of the battle. Is this not awesome! Jesus taught us to pray, Deliver us from evil. In this verse the Greek translates as 'rescue'. So, whatever way we look at it, God is making victory available to us.
And you shall glorify Me - Note the positive! You shall glorify Me (honor, NIV) This is my response when He delivers me. I give Him the glory, the praise.
Remember, if you should find yourself in a tight place today, call on Jesus. He will never turn a deaf ear!
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