"And they said to one another, 'Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?'" Luke 24:32
This verse springs from Jesus' walk with two of His followers late in the day on the Sunday He rose from the tomb. These two were in the shadow of gloom when Jesus showed up to journey with them. The words of our verse are a question spoken by one of the two, as he turns to face his traveling companion, after they have returned with joy to Jerusalem and the other disciples.
Did not our heart burn within us? - This is the fire Jesus lights within us by His Spirit. There are three things typical of fire: Fire is light, fire is warmth, and fire consumes. Have you watched the start of a fire? First there's the struck match, the small flame. Then the flame gradually spreads to the surrounding combustible material, until the whole is ablaze.
Out of our deepest gloom comes His burning fire that gives light, consuming the darkness; warmth, consuming the chill; and is itself the consumer of our despair. Jesus knows our need; that's why he wants to travel with us.
While He talked with us on the road - Life is a journey. Jesus sees our need and draws near, to talk. He speaks to us daily through so many avenues. Are we listening?
And while He opened the Scriptures to us - Without the Spirit's help and guidance, the Scriptures remain closed to our understanding. When Jesus opens the word to us, what a meal! (By the way, as I read this story - verses 13 through 27 - I picture the speaker in our verse being so excited and hope-filled, that the question mark is replaced with at least three of these: !!!)
Have you experienced spiritual heartburn lately? Jesus is the answer to whatever is on your heart. Let Him walk and talk with you. He longs to draw near and travel with you. (verse 15). He's waiting enthusiastically to strike the match.
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