Tuesday, August 11, 2009

God sees you - He knows your need

"Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep." Psalm 121:4

Verse four is a continuation of verse three - "He who keeps you will not slumber."

But the Psalmist broadens God's watchfulness to include Israel - at that time, the whole nation of Israel; in our time, the whole world - all who believe on His name. The name "Israel" was given to Jacob after he wrestled with the Angel of the covenant. The name literally means 'the one who has struggled with God and with men, and has overcome'. How are you doing in your struggle?

Behold, He - Look! Our attention is called to God; Look at the One who is. He said of Himself "I AM." Because God is, was, and will be, His children are secure - we are in Good Hands. We do not need to fear what lies ahead, because He has led us from the past to the present!

Who keeps Israel - The Hebrew word 'keeps' means to hedge about (as with thorns). What an awesome illustration of God's protection, so that the enemy cannot get to us!

Shall neither slumber - To slumber is to drift off, from drowsiness. Have you been driving on a long trip? After several hours at the wheel you tend to become drowsy. Then you realize the danger, and pull off the highway at a rest area and get some sleep. All of us know what it is to be tired. We seem to never get enough sleep. But God does not get tired. (Read Isaiah 40:28.) He is awake and alert at all times.

Nor sleep - Sleep: the taking of several hours of deep, entire physical rest, as when the body lies comfortably on a bed. Sleep restores the physical and mental powers. We all need a daily dose of sleep. God does not need to sleep.

So, our verse can be written: Look at God, the One who has put a hedge of protection around His people so that the enemy cannot harm them. He will be alert at all times to their every need.

Go confidently into this day, knowing that the Great I AM sees you, knows your circumstances and takes care of you.

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