Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, "Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the LORD will work for us. For nothing restrains the LORD from saving by many or by few." 1 Samuel 14:6
It was a desperate time in Israel. The enemy Philistines had seen to it that the Hebrews had no weapons. They had eradicated every blacksmith from the land, and, to sharpen any agricultural implements, the Hebrews had to take them to a Philistine blacksmith. We are told that only king Saul and Jonathan, his son, had sword and spear.
The oppression had become so bad that the unarmed Hebrews had lost courage and were hiding in holes and caves. Saul had only six hundred men with him, and he himself was sitting under a pomegranate tree, without courage.
Jonathan decided that something should be done about the situation, so he and his armor bearer slipped unnoticed from king Saul's camp and bravely made their presence known to the enemy garrison at the top of a steep cliff. The Philistines taunted the two, and told them "come up to us, and we will show you something", so Jonathan led the way up the narrow pass. The climbers had the advantage in the narrow pass, and quickly took out twenty men. Then, to honor their faith, God stepped in and produced a great earthquake. The enemy fled in terror, and when the Hebrews saw what was happening, they gained courage and joined the battle. "So the LORD saved Israel that day."
Has the enemy at times surrounded you, leaving you defenseless and without courage? Move ahead in faith, and leave God to scatter the forces of darkness.
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