Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD

"But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD." Genesis 6:8

This is the first time "grace" is mentioned in the Bible. The original Hebrew word comes from a root word, meaning "to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior".
But Noah found grace - The word 'but' tells us something had happened prior to this verse in the story of Noah. When we go back and read the preceding seven verses of chapter 6, we see a documented history of what people had become at the time Noah lived. Verse 5 tells us that God saw the great wickedness of man, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. This seems incredible! Only 10 generations from perfect Adam and Eve to the days of Noah, in which people had all but forgotten God. God shared with Noah His plans to destroy the earth with a flood, and indicated the part that He intended Noah to play.
Noah 'found grace' - The original word means "to attain, to acquire, to take hold on." Grace is something that's given. God stoops in kindness to an inferior and makes an offer.
In the eyes of the LORD - Everything is open to the eyes of the LORD. He sees all that's done in His entire Universe. But what are God's eyes like? There is grace (kindness that leads God to do incredible things for His creatures) in His eyes.
It is of interest that Noah is one of three mentioned by God in the Bible as being righteous. Ezekiel 14:14 tells us of a time when God named three righteous men: Noah, Daniel and Job.
At the end of the flood, we read in Genesis 8:1, "Then God remembered Noah." He stooped in kindness to one of His creatures. Could it be that Noah understood the meaning of grace?
Amazing grace!

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